Department of Health
Trading Partner Registration | Help & FAQs
1. What is the Trading Partner Registration (TPR) system?

a. The Trading Partner Registration (TPR) system allows potential trading partners to register their intent to electronically exchange data with the Tennessee Department of Health (TDH). The onboarding process for electronic public health reporting begins when a potential trading partner registers their intent to report using TPR. Eligible clinicians and eligible hospitals can formally register their intent with TDH.

TPR manages active engagement statuses, generates emails and letters as proof of public health reporting for registered users. It also provides TDH with updated information about each trading partner necessary for establishing and maintaining electronic interfaces.

2. Are there instructions for registration and using the TPR system?

a. Yes, there is a user manual with detailed information about registration and general use of the TPR system. You can find that guide here: Trading Partner Registration User Guide.

Click here to training options.

3. Where can I go to find more information about each interface?

Public Health Reporting

a. Electronic Case Reporting (eCR) Hospitals – Case Reporting

b. Electronic Reportable Laboratory (ELR) Hospitals only – Laboratory Result Reporting

c. Immunization Registry Reporting – Tennessee Immunization Information System (TennIIS)

d. Syndromic Surveillance Messaging Hospitals with emergency department or urgent care facilities – Syndromic Surveillance Reporting

e. Tennessee Cancer Registry (TCR) eligible clinicians – Cancer Case Reporting

*Additional Public Health Reporting not included in Promoting Interoperability

f. Drug Overdose Reporting (DOR) rehabilitation hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, acute care hospitals and free-standing ambulatory surgical treatment centers – Drug Overdose Reporting

4. What is the Promoting Interoperability Program?

In 2011, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) established the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs (now known as the Promoting Interoperability programs) to encourage clinicians, hospitals, critical access hospitals to adopt, implement, upgrade (AIU), and demonstrate meaningful use of Certified Electronic Health Record Technology (CEHRT). CMS renamed the EHR Incentive Programs to the Promoting Interoperability (PI) Programs in April 2018. This change will move the programs beyond the existing requirements of meaningful use to a new phase of EHR measurement with an increased focus on interoperability and improving patient access to health information.

Promoting Interoperability (aka Meaningful Use) is using certified EHR technology to:

  • Improve quality, safety, efficiency and reduce health disparities
  • Engage patients and families in their health care
  • Improve care coordination
  • Improve population and public health

For more information about Promoting Interoperability in Tennessee, please visit

5. What information will I need to complete the registration process?

a. The information needed to complete the registration process may originate from many different sources within your organization and includes:

  • Information about your organization
  • Information about your system(s) and associated vendor(s)
  • Information about your system’s capabilities for the desired interfaces
Please see the Trading Partner Registration Worksheet to assist with gathering this information.

6. What happens after my registration is completed?

a. All registrations must be approved by appropriate TDH staff. You will receive an automated email notification once your registration has been submitted and approved. TDH program staff will contact you with more information related to testing and on-boarding. For additional information related to on-boarding for the individual interfaces, please visit

7. Who to Contact for Help?

a. If you have questions about Trading Partner Registration (TPR) system, please contact the Tennessee Department of Health (TDH) at

8. Who do I contact if cannot Log In?

a. If you are unable to log in, contact:

Web Help & Application Management
(629) 888-5870 or (888) 890-8183
E-mail Apps.Support@TN.Gov

9. Is training available?

a. A listing of available training dates can be found at TPR Training and Registration Assistance. If you have questions or a special request for training, please contact the TDH Partner Engagement Team at