DHS Access Management Help and FAQs

Who to Contact for Help



Forgot My Username
If you have forgotten your username and you provided an email address for your account, you can request it to be emailed to you. Click the username link in “Forgot your username or password?” on the Login page.

If you have forgotten your username and an email address was not provided, you may need to create a new DHS Account.

Forgot My Password
If you have forgotten your password, click the password link in “Forgot your username or password” on the Login page. You must provide your username, and then you will be given two options to reset your password:

  1. Answer the security questions you set when you created your account.
  2. If you provided an email address for your account, you may request a temporary password be emailed to you.

If you did not provide an email address and you cannot remember the answers to your security questions, you may need to create a new DHS Account.